Fantasy Verses Reality


"A False Sence Of Security"

2005-07-30             9:52 p.m.



Well everyone I'm still alive, I guess that's a good thing. 

Mr. Golden didn't call like he said he would yesterday but I seen him today. Apparently he and Alex had an argument yesterday (Yah!) and he was lost in thought. (Personally I hope those thoughts were about rethinking his plans.) When I got there he had been asleep and looked a little under the weather (If you know what I mean). I thought he was going to send me away but after a few minuets he couldn't resist and jumped out the window to hold me.  (For the record, the front door was blocked w/ her boxes) 

We sat in the back seat of his car and and as he held me in his arms he gave me a run down for the week. Being in his arms made me feel whole. (You can call me a fool any time if you want to but I love him so much that I'm going to take what I can get, when I can get it.) Anyway, basically he is leaving at 4 am tomorrow morning and will return on Monday; Tuesday latest. He said he has to drive out to Spokane and take Alex her replacement credit card that she ordered and Chris (his x-wife) her child support. While he is at it he is taking Alex's computer and some boxes and stuff. I was a little shocked when he said that if he is gone past Tuesday then he would call and have me check on the pups. That shows extreme trust on his part because his biggest fear is that Wart will get out and get lost again. I told him that if he forgets to call and doesn't come home by Tuesday evening, then I am going in anyway. Upon his return he will catch up on his sleep and get ready for a hetic week.

Wednesday he plans to pack more of Alex's belongings. He said the week will be hectic but that he would love to spend some time with me on Thursday. I told him I'd love to, that every second I spend with him is a second of happiness in my life. I doubt I'll get to spend the night because she is due in on Friday evening so can take a load of her stuff to " her" new house. (He kept using that term.)  He said the next week end will be the same unless they can get all the big items loaded at once. The weird thing is that he kept saying things like "her" new house and " It's just her stuff going". I don't know why he felt he had to say that . Maybe it's just me but it gives me false hope if yo u know what I mean. It's so obvious that the man wants to change his mind and because I can see this I keep making myself available.

As we were sitting in the car, I had my head on his chest. The more I thought about Alex coming in, the more it worried me so I told him that he should make sure to pack the items I had brought back because I didn't want him to get in trouble. That's when I thought about the pictures in the heart frames. I said, "OH YEA... BTW... the purple heart picture frames w/ your pictures in it has a matching Jewry box that goes w/ it. I'll bring it over and well... I think your daughter would like it because they are great pictures of her daddy." I could feel his chest move in a manner that suggests that a person is fighting tears. His body trembled. When I realized what was going on I couldn't bring myself to look up. I mean honestly I felt bad for his reaction but it also told me something; I had hit a soft spot. Over all, I meant what I said because I know I can easily replace the items later if he chooses to stay or even if he leaves, if he chooses to come back. 

I guess you can say that I'm doing a little better even if it's an illusion, which is yet to be seen. One good thing is that he said after all the big furnature items are gone then he will be at the trailer alone for a month or so, which gives me time to work and he has already expressed interest in a two day camping trip. Maybe during the next few weeks I can convince him... Time will tell... Right?

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About Me:

My name is Jesilyn. I'm a forty year old mysterious spirit. I have survived the depths of poverty; experienced the wrath of wealth, studied psychology & several religions, evolved from a jagged family background where I suffered the hands of abuse, and now I stare life�s challenges in the eye.

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Favorite Quotes

"The glass isn't half full or half empty. It simply needs a little ice."

"I maybe the queen of broken hearts but I don't stand behind the crown"

"If your ever going to see a rainbow you've got to stand a little rain."

"Good things come to those who wait."

"Life is what you make it."

"When life gives you lemons: Make lemonade!"



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