Fantasy Verses Reality


pregnate and on the road again

2001-07-25             4:57 p.m.



Nov. 1988 we had left his mom's house moved to coffeeville kansas where Donnie and I were living in a little cabin...on the outside of town.... I was pregnate still and life seemed good until..... he decided to get in trouble....on our annaversary he took off went joy riding on a tractor that what a key in it on a tractor lot .... on his way home he got busted...DUMB ASS!!!!!! I guess he spent a week in jail or so... I worked his job at the resturant and got him out of jail....with in notime we were running again..... We went back to arkansas got a new house where we stayed ohhhhhh about 2-3 wks....... then we left again..

This time headed twords ohio...yes the state I hated but I needed someone to help us thru this...... On the way there my car broke down thanks to donnie driving and falling asleep...... we fixed it but got stuck in Ky. no money no gas and no food....stuck at natural bridge.....

after a few days I called other choice I had started bleeding.yep u guessed it I was misscarring the baby.... Dad came and got us.......

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About Me:

My name is Jesilyn. I'm a forty year old mysterious spirit. I have survived the depths of poverty; experienced the wrath of wealth, studied psychology & several religions, evolved from a jagged family background where I suffered the hands of abuse, and now I stare life�s challenges in the eye.

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Favorite Quotes

"The glass isn't half full or half empty. It simply needs a little ice."

"I maybe the queen of broken hearts but I don't stand behind the crown"

"If your ever going to see a rainbow you've got to stand a little rain."

"Good things come to those who wait."

"Life is what you make it."

"When life gives you lemons: Make lemonade!"



This is my diary. You are a guest. So, please respect my sacrid space, as you would want someone to respect yours. Remember, I do NOT have to keep a public diary. I do this so that others who have similar situations, do not have to feel alone...

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Fantasy Verses reality V.2




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