Fantasy Verses Reality



2001-08-23             10:07 p.m.



tonight I wanna take the time to talk about religion and my standing on it.those who have seen my home page come questioning my phylosophy....I am guessing they think that they are god because they come at me with only comments that degrade my being...some ask why I chose my roads as i do, some try to change my standing swaring that I can not worship two gods of differant religious back grounds...

this is not exactly what I feel that I am doing...

i believe in jesus christ...I believe that he is gods beloved son sent to cleanse us of our sins..yet at the same time I beleive in magic and the power that people are blessed with...for the sceptical christians who do not agree with me.I have only one question for you... Was moses a witch simply because he has magical powers..after all he walked on water, parted the sea and many other exodic things...

was it not god who asked for offerings of the flesh of animals in the old testament...the smering of lamb blood on ones door....these r things I am not doing....

does a christian not pray...isn't this the same as chanting for ones desires...dear god give me!!!! yes i fear it is...

with my wiccan beliefs I feel I am saying every one must choose their own path, I am not god I do not and let live... I am saying I will do as I want as long as I harm none... god does not push himself on why as christians do we feel a need to do this???? Does the bible not say an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth??? in the same manner a wiccan believes that everything you do returns by three fold..If u give kindness u recieve three fold kindness... if you give hatred then u will recieve the same by three fold...what is so wrong about this..

to push belief on some one is harming cast ones wishes upon another is harming them unless it is their wish for such things...

so there for I ask that those without sin cast your first stone... if u are not completely clean, or your name is not god or jesus then keep your comments to your self and in your own closet... and that my dear is where i stand!!!!

a christian believing wiccan or is that a wiccan believing christian either way I am me!!!!

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About Me:

My name is Jesilyn. I'm a forty year old mysterious spirit. I have survived the depths of poverty; experienced the wrath of wealth, studied psychology & several religions, evolved from a jagged family background where I suffered the hands of abuse, and now I stare life�s challenges in the eye.

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Favorite Quotes

"The glass isn't half full or half empty. It simply needs a little ice."

"I maybe the queen of broken hearts but I don't stand behind the crown"

"If your ever going to see a rainbow you've got to stand a little rain."

"Good things come to those who wait."

"Life is what you make it."

"When life gives you lemons: Make lemonade!"



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